As the Owner, Engineer, and Producer of Jump The Fence Productions, I am very excited to officially announce my partnership with Palm and Vine Recording in Cotati, CA. Thank you to partners Gabriel Winter, Max Lopez, and Sasha Artemiev who have worked very hard to bring this historic space back to life. We kept the vintage and introduced the modern.
We are booking sessions for 2024 so lets get you scheduled!
Please reach out with your inquiries. We can schedule a tour and a preproduction meeting.
I can be reached by email or by text at:
(510) 362-8262
Let’s record some music.
Bringing old school recording back to life with a modern twist.
Pro Tools - Logic Pro X - Otari - Fostex
Apollo - Focusrite - API - Hampton - AEA - Drawmer - Ashly Behringer - Golden Age
Sennheiser - Shure - AEA - AKG - Audio-Technica - Royer
Hammond - Rhodes - Samick - Kork - Alesis - M Audio
For a free tour and preproduction meeting please reach out for an appointment.